I like this song. (I don't know this K-Pop singer, and I don't know what the heck she sings, but I like her voice and melody.) youtu.be/0-q1KafFCLU
posted at 03:05:45
@junjunh0101 @CasaArkadia 一度もお味噌は手作りしたことないです、今度おふたりから習いたい!
posted at 01:16:20
I like this song. (I don't know this K-Pop singer, and I don't know what the heck she sings, but I like her voice and melody.) youtu.be/0-q1KafFCLU
posted at 03:05:45
@junjunh0101 @CasaArkadia 一度もお味噌は手作りしたことないです、今度おふたりから習いたい!
posted at 01:16:20