RT @JamesMartinSJ: What Jesus never said: "Feed the hungry only if they have papers." "Clothe the naked only if they're from your country." "Welcome the stranger only if there's zero risk." "Help the poor only if it's convenient." "Love your neighbor only if they look like you." #CaravanaMigrante
posted at 01:01:40
@arima_yukimi @aojimami1 でも、自分より高い学歴持ってるのも、それはそれでイヤだと思うおじさんもいるんでしょうねw
posted at 00:59:50
RT @unnkiup: 緊急🔴宮古島の8ワンコ、移送危機で切迫❗️関東はじめ預かり様(里親様も)緊急募集❗️10月29日(月)朝が期限です。個人団体様とも医療費負担なし。詳細はブログ内の宮古島アニマルレスキューさんまでお願いします! twitter.com/sakurayunosu/s…
posted at 00:55:57
RT @TomoMachi: 私人と閣議決定したのに。 headlines.yahoo.co.jp/videonews/jnn?…
posted at 00:55:18
え?つまり、20〜30代の日本人男性は、小学生女子向け商品に憧れてるの?マジ?ww twitter.com/yonesuke2/stat…
posted at 00:51:31
RT @kyonodoga: モデル歩きやめろwwwwww pic.twitter.com/NnYNOG7d5c
posted at 00:46:31
RT @NBCNews: @PeteWilliamsNBC @Tom_Winter @MSNBC @KellyO LATEST: Man taken into custody in Florida will face charges in connection with wave of pipe bomb packages across the US, law enforcement officials say. nbcnews.to/2RftVmN
posted at 00:46:03
RT @YahooFinance: Highlight: "The markets and investors are probably looking for a reason to sell right now, so every report that might have been neutral before is perceived as negative," @serwer says. "I look at this report today as a shiny used car report..." finance.yahoo.com pic.twitter.com/CS05WPG90r
posted at 00:43:26
@pvarfi @EricBonillo @radke_4 @masayang @MikeTokes You continue admire the man who lives on the top of the wealth of the corrupt city of New York. Ciao.
posted at 00:40:01
@EricBonillo @radke_4 @pvarfi @masayang @MikeTokes 😲 Wait, are you guys suggesting the billionaire Penthouse residents of Trump Tower in New York City are the product of the ultra-left policy??? I’m confused...
posted at 00:37:27
RT @shaunking: I am disturbed by how badly every Republican wants this mail bomber to be a Democrat and how badly every Democrat wants this mail bomber to be a Republican. It's weird.
posted at 00:18:35
元大統領ら民主党の要人やトランプ批判する有名人(デニーロなど)にパイプ爆弾を送りつけていた容疑者がひとり、フロリダで捕まったようだ。One suspect in string of mail bombs in custody www.wsj.com/articles/suspi…
posted at 00:17:13
RT @XHNews: Analysis: Tearing up INF Treaty has far-reaching consequences for global arms control, increases risk of instability, conflict xhne.ws/nPgHw pic.twitter.com/PrryBzGkcd
posted at 00:07:58
相場が上がるとオレサマのおかげ、相場が下がるとオバマとクリントンのせい。わかりやすい。 twitter.com/gold_oil/statu…
posted at 00:02:33